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Unpacking can be almost as stressful as packing if you don’t do it right. After all, you just want to lay down at the end of a long day of moving. Relieve some of that stress with some unpacking tips for moving.

Put Every Box In The Right Room

Don’t stack all of the boxes in the kitchen or living room when you put them in the house. Take them directly to the room they go in. If you have color-coded the boxes then you will be able to do this with ease, even with a team.

Assign Rooms

Don’t let anyone do their room first. Instead, assign every person a common area. Someone unpacks the bathroom, someone the living room, and another the kitchen. This can relieve stress from whoever feels most responsible.


Whether it be music or some candles, find something to help you relax while still getting the work done. TVs can work as long as you don’t get distracted. Most people prefer music, just make sure you get to pick the genre.

Fold Boxes

Fold boxes as you go. Don’t let them stack up or it will feel overwhelming. Fold them up and put them outside or at least out of sight as you go. You can have one of the younger kids gather them up, as you go, in each room.

Order Pizza

Or something to look forward to at the end of the day, or even during a small break. Just don’t cook or stress about dinner. Call ahead of time so everyone knows what they have to look forward to.

Take Things Slow

It doesn’t matter how long it takes. If you start early enough, it really doesn’t matter. So take things as slowly as you want to, and then a little slower. As long as you’re not a procrastinator, then things will go smoothly this way.

Final Thoughts

Moving doesn’t have to be hard. It can be a day full of memories rather than one full of stress. Make the most out of the day by enjoying as much of it as you can as a family. Do the work together and lighten the load by asking for help. It’s amazing how much you can get done with a little planning beforehand and teamwork as you do it. So plan together, work together, and make moving day a memory. It doesn’t have to be fun, but it can be a good one.

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